Woe unto the world! Talk about a predicament, we're certainly in one now. The economy is about to hit rock bottom!
But while most are busy pointing fingers of blame, I say the fingers have to be turned toward all of us because indeed, we all share in the contribution to the present condition of this country.
It's obvious to me that our government has been "asleep at the wheel" (only God knows how our lawmakers have been spending their time and energies!), and we're now the victims of a head-on collision. It's also obvious that since we now speak in terms of "trillions" of dollars, a LOT of money has been circulating through this country. So what has the managers of these trillions of dollars been doing with all of this money??? And isn't there a definite imbalance when CEOs, CFOs, Presidents, Chairmen, etc., of big businesses and organizations are paid millions of dollars, while the average middle-class worker has to be overwhelmingly concerned with things like whether their retirement funds will be there when needed, getting a decent (3 - 4%) pay raise, or even whether they're going to have a job at the end of the day? Even more disgraceful is the fact that the poor people of the world have even more pressing needs to confront: the continuous quest for a roof over their heads and food in their family's stomachs!
It would seem that the focus of those in charge may have strayed from contributing to the peace of mind of the people for whom they are supposed to be responsible. However, we also have to ask ourselves whether we, the general citizenship, have been operating responsibly in our daily lives and unfortunately, more than enough times, the answer to this question is no, we have not. How much and how often have we been guilty of living above our means? How often have we been untruthful or engaged in outright lying when applying for some government-funded project or supplement program so we could get more than we were entitled to, or just to get all that we could get? How many times have we spent large sums of money on totally unnecessary products only to have these products end up drawing dust in a corner serving no purpose at all?
We must keep in mind that the dilemmas we find ourselves currently in DID NOT happen overnight: Mismanagement. Waste. Deceptive practices. Thievery. These are some of the common acts that have been a part of our society for some time now and they play a major role in the results we see now. These results did not happen just in the last few years of the current government administration, or even the last couple of administrations. This has been a work in progress that has taken decades, even centuries to develop, with each new era making its own contribution. The problem is it seems that few people on BOTH sides of this issue were making note of the decline. Instead, most people continued doing just as they've always done, remaining totally oblivious to the fact that trouble was brewing. Finally, the rude awakening is upon us and now we are stunned by the fact that we can go no further without some kind of resolution . . . and change.
There is little peace of mind at this point in time because we all have contributed, in some form or fashion, in a small or big way, to the current fallen position of the United States. The largest and most important way that we have contributed is in cutting our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ totally out of our lives. Sooner or later, mankind is going to have to wake up to the fact that we need more than a 700 billion dollar bailout to save us now. In fact, we need more than money or what any person or group will be able to do to get us out of this mess. If peace of mind is EVER to be found, then it must be done by seeking our Father thru our Lord Jesus Christ. SUGGESTION: let's check our egos at the door and seek our Father RIGHT NOW! The best starting point is to pick up a Bible and fervently read it with a sincere desire to understand its message . . .
For more pertinent and interesting reading regarding the human experience, also visit my other blog site called The Origin of Disease and read my other articles entitled A Tribute to Man and Woman: The Odd Forgotten Breed, The Day the Earth Stood Still: Anyone Familiar with This Movie? and Creation vs. Evolution.
Also, remember to visit my website entitled The World . . . or God for urgent information regarding all of our futures!
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