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Thursday, November 6, 2008

There IS Such a Thing as the "Future" . . .

(Image courtesy of

REMEMBER:    When life is at its lowest, know and believe that it's NOT the end of the world    . . .    because there is the future.    Just because things are bad today, even if it appears to be hopeless, there is still tomorrow.    And with tomorrow come new perspectives, inspirations and/or motivations.    However, it's important to keep in mind that the tomorrow with its new and prominent outlook may not come the very next day, or the day after that.    Indeed, many times this "new tomorrow" is a long way off as we continue to muddle through the same old problems.    When this happens to me, I take it to mean that the problems I'm facing during that time are formidable and cannot be put off because they require my immediate attention so a resolution can be found as soon as possible.    However, we should still maintain a positive outlook because with each new day, change is possible.    We should also remember that with constant sincere seeking, and faith in our Father's existence and His good will toward us, constructive change is sure to come.

So if your day is not going particularly well, if it's a miserable day, or even if it's the worst day you've ever had in your entire lifetime, know that it's only one day and tomorrow will start anew.    The best thing to do with a bad day is end it, so call it a day and go home.    Have dinner, watch a little TV, then go to bed and sleep as peacefully as you're able.    Think "change is going to come"    --    if you need help believing this fact, think "Barak Obama, the first Black President of the U.S!".    Then when tomorrow comes, strive to think of it as the new day that it is, and act in a fashion that is different from the way you acted the day before.    We're seeking peace of mind and utilizing all of my intelligence, capabilities and talents always leaves me feeling satisfied and at peace with myself!

For more pertinent and interesting reading regarding the human experience, also visit my other blog site called The Origin of Disease  and read my other articles entitled A Tribute to Man and Woman: The Odd Forgotten Breed, The Day the Earth Stood Still: Anyone Familiar with This Movie? and Creation vs. Evolution.

Also, remember to visit my website entitled The World . . . or God for urgent information regarding all of our futures!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Path to Peace of Mind is WithIN, not WithOUT . . .

The one thing I must continually remind myself of is when asking questions and seeking answers, it's usually necessary to first look within, NOT without.    This is because what's wrong in my life stems initially from the emotional and spiritual turmoil that is within me.    Therefore, looking outside of myself won't help much because very few of my troubles stem from the outside.    Besides, I think we all can agree that these days, looking for assistance from the world around us can very well lead us into further confusion as the world itself is submerged in chaos and uncertainty! 

(Image courtesy of

So whether I like it or not, I have to go back over some of those events I've experienced during my lifetime but may have ignored;  ignored either because it was too painful to face, or there was too much conflict to deal with, or I just didn't want to be bothered!    But I have to look now because I've reached a point in my life where all has come to a standstill and I need to know why.    I need to be able to move forward again.    I no longer wish to live my life in disarray.    So I continue my quest for peace of mind by looking within myself    . . .    and toward our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

For more pertinent and interesting reading regarding the human experience, also visit my other blog site called The Origin of Disease, and read my other articles entitled A Tribute to Man and Woman: The Odd Forgotten BreedThe Day the Earth Stood Still: Anyone Familiar with This Movie? and Creation vs. Evolution.

Also remember to visit my website entitled The World . . . or God for urgent information regarding all of our futures!