Good morning, afternoon, evening to all of you (depending on what time of the day you're reading this)! I am YvonneG, the author of this blog site and I have finally committed to the awesome job of straightening out my life, once and for all. I can't tell you how much time I've spent trying to make heads or tails of what's going on, and while I've had many great experiences in my lifetime, I'd still eventually wind up right back in the same spot of not understanding why life had evolved for me as it did. As time went on, I began putting things together in pieces: that is, certain resolutions occurred with immense clarity so I held onto these lessons and put them away for future reference. This, in part, is what my blogs are about: putting these puzzle pieces together to make a whole picture.
I realized a long time ago that life can be looked at as a giant puzzle and the pieces of my life are only a small part of this puzzle . . . a VERY small part. Every human being on this planet, yes EVERYONE holds a piece or pieces to this puzzle of life. At last count, the human race consisted of more than seven billion people so as I said before, the puzzle pieces of my life make up a VERY small part.
Therefore, my blogs represent my thoughts and feelings and during my quest, I will remain observant of the thoughts and feelings experienced by the people around me. Good or bad, for or against, WHATEVER others are going through is crucial to solving life's puzzle. We all have a measure of truth within us and I'm hoping that in seeking out the truth within myself, my readers can make the same journey with regard to their own lives and between us, we will be able to come up with a clearer picture of exactly what's going on in this world.
Some of you may ask, "What is she talking about? There's nothing going on in this world -- we're all just living our lives from one day to the next and what will be, will be". To me, thoughts such as this bring to mind words like "chance" and "random". To this, I can only say that I don't believe this world came about by chance or at random. I don't believe this world "just happened" out of nothing (the Big Bang theory). My years on this earth won't allow me to accept this because I've seen far too much that says otherwise. For instance:
(Image courtesy of
- the habitual rising and setting sun;
- an earth that has been prepared so that with the planting of seeds, it can then bring forth vegetation and foliage in tremendous amounts and with such majesty and splendor that it boggles the mind; and
- climate that changes from day to day with variety and forcefulness . . . and all man can do is accept it as it comes.
There is much more (don't even get me started on the universe around us!) but just these three things alone are enough because none of these things are created or initiated by man. Since all of this encompasses the entire world and the human race within it, it HAS to be controlled by a being that is larger and more intelligent than any of us will ever be! So no, I can't accept that this is a random world -- I can only say that "someone" (a term that most of us can accept) is in charge of it all and it behooves us to find out what this "someone" has in mind.
For me, this "someone" is our Father. Please note that I use our Father because He is the Father of the ENTIRE human race. It doesn't matter what race we're a part of, or what religion we practice, or what career we work in: there's only one God and He is the Father of us all:
"I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: . . ." Isaiah 45:5 (KJV)
Through my blogs, I now intend to embark on that journey of getting to know our Father because I feel like I can't go any further without knowing Him. In so doing, I want to learn about what others think and feel about this subject, including those who do not believe our Father exists. I want to find out what people REALLY think, regardless of how different it may be from what I think and feel. However, there is one major problem . . .
One more thing:
A distinct lack of respect filters through our lives. Racism and all types of discrimination has settled within our society and this, coupled with other elements such as crime, abortion and cultural differences, has made many in this world descend down the slippery slope that shows a reckless disregard for life. Indeed, there are many people who have NO regard for life at all (i.e., terrorists, people who choose to commit mass murders and bombings in schools and other public places, etc.). And so there's a tendency to hurt people . . . deeply . . . either with words or actions, or both. It is my intention to try and bring this factor to light so that we may confront it and in so doing, resist the urge to hurt and tear each other apart. I will do everything within my power to maintain respect for one and all as an utmost priority because without it, communication becomes a lost cause. While I will remain true to myself by writing what I believe to be the truth, it will always be apparent that EVERYONE is important and EVERYONE needs to be heard.
One more thing:
Please keep in mind that I intend to bring our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, into this picture as well because we've lost our way to our Father and the ONLY way back to Him is through His Son, Jesus Christ.
For more pertinent and interesting reading regarding the human experience, also visit my other blog site called The Origin of Disease and read my other articles entitled A Tribute to Man and Woman: The Odd Forgotten Breed, The Day the Earth Stood Still: Anyone Familiar with This Movie? and Creation vs. Evolution.
Also, remember to visit my website entitled The World . . . or God for urgent information regarding all of our futures!
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