What's that old adage? "Time waits for no one." And as fast as it moves from one week to the next, I've developed my own saying: "Time has a plan even if we don't!"
Therefore, since Time insists upon continuing regardless and in spite of what we do . . . or don't do, then it's best that we come to terms with this fact and make the best use of our time. One of the best ways I know how to make use of time is by learning. I try to learn as much as I can about my immediate world: not only does it bring comfort to the soul when it's in a familiar zone, but learning also makes for less surprises, which in turn, contributes to our peace of mind.
Seek out something to learn that will be useful either in everyday life or in life eventually. One of the best and most common places to learn is on the job, i.e., new technology, new processes, etc. Of course, if you're in school, you're in the ideal place for learning! If you own your home, are there jobs around the house you could learn to do that would be a great benefit to you? Fixtures in the home? Managing and caring for your lawns and gardens?
The point is, we should find ways to utilize our time constructively and educating ourselves on subjects that are relevant to our lives is a wonderful way to spend our time. Also, learning about interesting and worthwhile subjects that aren't necessarily relevant in or to our lives can enrich us with knowledge gained -- this is another advantage of learning while making constructive use of our time.
When we educate ourselves, we experience a sense of wellbeing and accomplishment . . . and peace of mind will surely follow!
For more pertinent and interesting reading regarding the human experience, also visit my other blog site called The Origin of Disease and read my other articles entitled A Tribute to Man and Woman: The Odd Forgotten Breed, The Day the Earth Stood Still: Anyone Familiar with This Movie? and Creation vs. Evolution.
Also, remember to visit my website entitled The World . . . or God for urgent information regarding all of our futures!
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