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Monday, July 28, 2008

A Quick Story . . .

(Image courtesy of

This is a story I recently read about a devout Christian astronomer and his atheist friend:

The astronomer constructed a complex working model of the Solar System.    Every detail regarding the planets, the sun and the stars was included and the finished product was indeed much to behold.

One day, his atheist friend came for a visit and upon seeing the model, he was astounded at the workmanship and beauty displayed.    He asked his astronomer friend who made this masterpiece and the astronomer replied "no one made it -- it made itself."    The atheist looked at his friend in disbelief and told him he had to be kidding.    "Of course someone made this, so don't expect me to believe it made itself!" the atheist continued.

The astronomer replied that he agreed it was ludicrous to think that a work of such magnitude would "make itself".    But then, isn't this what people think and believe about the actual Solar System?    Isn't it a common and accepted theory that the universe came about from nothing or created itself (i.e., the "Big Bang Theory" which holds that the universe "exploded" into existence)?    And even if it's not stated as such outright, isn't this the assumption since many people don't believe that a higher authority or being exists?    What's more, isn't the Solar System that surrounds us more intricately designed than any model a human being could make?    The astronomer's point being that since he created the exquisite model in front of them, it's only reasonable to believe that the actual Solar System also HAD to be created and operated by "someone".    Also, due to the exceptional and unique detail involved and the masterful operations needed to maintain the Solar System, this "someone" HAS to be far greater than the astronomer    . . .    or ANYONE ELSE could EVER be.

The atheist thought for a moment    . . .    and immediately changed the subject!

For more pertinent and interesting reading regarding the human experience, also visit my other blog site called The Origin of Disease  and read my other articles entitled A Tribute to Man and Woman: The Odd Forgotten Breed, The Day the Earth Stood Still: Anyone Familiar with This Movie? and Creation vs. Evolution.

Also, remember to visit my website entitled The World . . . or God for important information regarding all of our futures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stories like this always fascinates me because it states what is just
so "obvious"...well to me anyway. I have a friend who I found out a few years ago, is an atheist. And
believe me when I tell you,I was so saddened to hear this. Now, I myself, am not a very religious individual, but I do believe in
God. It was never my intention to try and change his beliefs. I personally feel you can believe in whatever you choose to believe in. But, when I learned of his belief, I had to ask him, if no God truly existed, how can you explain such greatness...such awe.. in the world that no man could have possibly created. How can you explain?...

for one...

the existence of the very first human being...of animals...of the creation of the world itself...

vivid colors of oranges, reds, pinks and violets across the sky as the sun sets...

a rainbow that sits peacefully arched in the sky...

the beautiful array of colors that emerge from the ground every spring...

a butterfly in all it's glamour and mystery...

a full moon...

the sea with all its grand sealife...

nightfall and all of it's twinkling sparkles in the sky...

the slowly emerging ray of light at the horizon every morning...

a blanket of snow...

the grand solar system...

the mesmerizing flash of lightning across a midnight sky...

a breathtaking eclipse...

a captivating shooting star...

the change of seasons...

and so many more phenomenal things that man just can not make! And as I waited for his response.....his reply was...nothing....yet seeing these phenomenal things in the world, and having absolutely no explanation for them....we still have people who do not believe, who will not even accept the possibility of there being an existence of a higher and powerful being.....

Robyn L.